‘Run Your Country’ Course
Course Type: Online or Onsite sessions (You choose!)
Course Level: Basic
Course Length: 4 sessions of 90min each
Age Groups: 11-12 / 13-14
Students per class: 4-10
Tutor Name: Martin Ward
Tutor Biography: Martin’s professional career includes an extensive use of social psychology within organizational development. Having advised UK members of Parliament and consulted for several European Governments, he is acutely aware of the need for young people to understand the meaning of Governance. He has lectured around the world and until recently was the Head of Department of Mental Health of University of Malta. Martin’s passion for teaching comes from seeing children having fun whilst learning, so he is promising some WOW factors for this course!
Course Schedule
Online Group 11-12 years
Start Dates: 2nd November / 16th November
Mondays and Thursdays 15:30-17:00 (Zoom)
Online Group 13-14 years
Start Dates: 3rd November / 17th November
Tuesdays and Fridays 15:30-17:00 (Zoom)
Onsite Group 11-12 years
Start Dates: 4th November / 18th November
Wednesdays 15:30-17:00 (St Julian’s)
Saturdays 10:00-11:30 (St Julian’s)
Onsite Group 13-14 years
Start Dates: 4th November / 18th November
Wednesdays 17:30-19:00 (St Julian’s)
Saturdays 12:00-13:30 (St Julian’s)
Course Outline
Children are often kept in the shade when it comes to how a country is run. Discussion of power focuses on adults whilst children, who constitute 35% of the world population, remain relatively powerless. Knowledge is power and this course will allow children to grasp the principles of good governance.
Session 1 What is Government and why in the world do we need it?! A dive into history to show how Malta has managed to take control of its own nation. How is the power distributed and what influence do we have on it? And finally, a brief introduction to Governance.
Session 2 Running a country is a challenging task, so how is it possible to get things done? An illustration of how different institutions function collectively to achieve common goals. This session addresses the importance of Governance and how it applies to Malta.
Session 3 Where does the Government get its money from? What is our role in the country’s economy? An introduction to Taxation and Public Money Management.
Session 4 Game time! An interactive session to put into practice the knowledge acquired during the previous sessions.
Course Outcome: A digital Certificate will be provided to each participant at completion.
Course Price**: 100Euro + vat (18%)
**Discounts available! Insert the Promo Code in the Special Requirements section when registering.
**Covid Vouchers accepted! Get 10Euro more for your 20Euro Blue Voucher (max 1 per course)